
Stage Writing Good Articles for Websites

Because of the growing popularity of the blogging world, many people are interested in creating articles. Making the article seem easy, but do not take it for granted. Creating an interesting article is not easy. Especially for the website. The website is different from books. When people browse websites, they usually do not like to read articles that are too long. This is the biggest problem of website owners and blogs. Already tired-tired to make an article, no one read to finish. Eventually, their article failed to get ranked on Google. Although already learned the name of SEO. But do not worry, there is a solution that is by using the services of Red Dragon Web Media.

1. Learn the character of prospective readers

Different topics, demand is also different. Young people, adults, the majority of men, the majority of women, and others. For example the article about "finance" maybe readers age 25 and up, right? Then the article about the game is for younger. So how to write is also different. Why should we study characters? The goal is that you can customize the contents of the article, especially the style of writing with the character of your readers.

For example, if your readers are the majority of young people, you use a more relaxed language. If you are stiff, then they will feel strange. If it were so, they would leave. To find out the demographics of website readers, you can see from some of the following media:

- Google Analytics (Audience> Demographics> Overview)
- Community sites where people who are enthusiastic about your topics get together

2. Pull the reader with an interesting title

Did you know if there are 100 people who stop by your website, 80 people will read the title of the article? But only 20 people read the contents. This means you are missing out on the huge potential readers. Let us remember back when doing a search on Google. What makes us choose one website? The title, is not it? So our battle starts from the title.

If the article is good, as good as anything if the title is ugly then nobody will read. If we talk rank. The title is also one of the biggest factors that will make your article ranking in Google so high.

3. Your article will not be read word-by-word, do this to outsmart

Articles on websites are different from books. When reading books or newspapers or magazines, we really want to focus on reading. On the internet is not the case. On the internet, people want to move quickly from website A to website B. Then they will not read word-by-word articles. You also must have passed most of the writing above. This is natural. This pattern of readers is given the name F-shaped pattern, because like the letter F. So they do the scanning vertically, then when finding interesting sentences then they read horizontally.